Climate Change is a Thing: How Does It Impact You?
As I’ve shared my personal experience and story it’s been nothing short of amazing how positively people react to seeing the world differently. I have taken my energy education for granted, and the more I share with my friends in New York or my friends in California the more the feedback loop thickens - they simply have been fed one side of a very lopsided story.
Understand Your influences
Which statement do you agree with most?
The world is getting better.
The world is getting worse.
The world is neither getting better nor worse.
If you answered the world is getting worse, you are not alone! We have been indoctrinated by the news about all the horrible things going on around us. Did you know that a negative thought is said to be seven times more powerful than a positive thought? That negativity in the news drives clicks, ads, and, money. The news is thus incentivized through our eyeballs and dollars to feed you more negativity and the feedback loop can lead to a sense of despair.
The Matrix: plug in to Update Your Information Manuals
People have a worldview dated to the time when their teachers left school. Curiously, we never decide to actively update our own information manuals. If your teachers were in school in 1970 they likely learned that the world looked something like the chart below - made up of Developed and Developing nations (those big circles in the Developing category are China and India).
However, if they were to update their knowledge, they might be shocked to know that the world looks starkly different than the one they believed in. The days are largely gone when we have any developing countries on this planet.
To eradicate ignorance, we need to constantly update our knowledge! It’s like the Matrix - all you need to do is plug in periodically and you’ll realize the planet we live on is actually an incredibly positive place where people are doing better than they’ve ever done before.
How about these; did you know?
In the last 20 years, the proportion of the world living in extreme poverty has almost halved.
The number of deaths from natural disasters has decreased to less than half over the past 100 years.
80% of the world’s 1-year-old children have now been vaccinated against diseases.
Worldwide, 30-year-old men have spent 10 years in school, on average. Women of the same age have spent 9 years in school, on average. The gap has narrowed dramatically!
In low-income countries, 60% of girls finish primary school.
See the world differently
How can you view the world differently, more positively?
“When President Chirac gave Bush a souvenir statue of the Eiffel Tower, Bush said, “This is great! A little oil rig!” ”
About Robert Hefner
Robert is a writer and speaker on all things energy and environment. You can learn more about Robert’s work at Hefner.Energy
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